Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Angel Messages ~ April 2015

Hello and welcome to another month of Angel Messages and guidance!! I am so ready for Spring here in the United States! The Spring and Fall equinox are always so uplifting and energizing for me! I hope you're enjoying the change of weather and renewal of energy wherever you are!

Aries - 

The ascended masters, especially the goddesses, are helping you see this situation from a perspective of Divine love. The more you can see this situation through the eyes of love, the better the outcome.

Have faith in your intuition. Be open to receiving messages from Spirit. Trust your feelings and take action accordingly.

Daily Guidance ~ Love

This card comes as a message directly from Spirit saying, "Whatever problems you are facing, whatever situation you find yourself in, the answer is always found in love."

The angels say, "Instead of giving in to negative thinking, fearmongering, feelings of anger, jealousy, or competition, focus on love, compassion, peace and understanding."

Whenever you feel yourself being sucked down into negative thinking of emotions, the angels advise you to immediately stop what you are doing and find a quiet place where you can take a few deep breaths. In those moments, you have the opportunity to change your thought patterns through the use of positive affirmations, visualization, and, most importantly, through prayer.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Weekly Forecast Round-Up - March 30 to April 5

Welcome to the Weekly Forecast Roundup! Every week I will be scouring the internet searching for the very best weekly forecasts to share with you! This week, I have beautiful forecasts from Colette Baron-Reid, Doreen Virtue, Legacy of the Divine TarotSuzanne Bean, AngelLight8 and Kira Woods!

When faced with the choice of Love over Fear, what's your default?

This week is devoted to self-care. It's a week where you commit to taking much better care of yourself physically and emotionally.

You begin to speak up to get your needs met, AND you allow yourself to receive. You even create quiet time so that you can rest and listen to your inner truth. 

What a beautiful message for Easter week, which is the time of new beginnings and resurrection. You are beginning a new time of making self-care a priority, which not only benefits your own health, but also makes you a positive role model for your family and friends.

Daily Guidance ~ Teamwork

This card is a message from your angels reminding you that none of us is able to do everything alone. If you have been struggling with getting where you want to go or with solving some problem in your life, it may be high time to seek out the assistance of someone else. This could mean finding a like-minded partner to assist in reaching your goals or seeking out the advice of a qualified professional such as a financial planner, counselor, therapist, business advisor, or other.

This card could also be a message asking you to take inventory of those people you already have around you who could be assisting you right now. Very often we get so caught up in what we are doing that we develop a sort of "tunnel vision" which can cause us to miss out on the people who are right in front of us who have been sent to help us along our path.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Share

As Lightworkers, many of us have had negative experiences in our past that has led us to hold back, to hide our spiritual gifts and our true selves from others. This could be because we have been teased or made fun of, been called "weird" or other hurtful names, been told that our gifts are evil or that they come from "the Devil," that no one will like us if we allow ourselves to be our true selves, that we will never be successful, will never have friends, will never find a romantic partner, or will never be able to get a good job, and so on.

The angels tell me that these unkind words were the product of Ego, which is based entirely on fear. People naturally fear what they don't understand. Human beings are basically herd animals and have been programmed to avoid anything that doesn't fit their view of what the world "should" be. In ancient times, being different could literally lead to death if an individual could not fit in with the group.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Forgive

The angels tell me that forgiveness is the key to living a happy, fulfilled life. They say, "Refusing to forgive holds you in the past as though you are forever reliving that one painful moment (or many painful moments) over and over again. You cannot move forward into your future because you are chained to this event and these negative feelings. It is like carrying around a lead weight with you wherever you go, weighing you down and holding you hostage."

The angels remind me that forgiveness does NOT mean saying, "What happened was okay." it is also NOT something that we do for the other person. Forgiveness, in its truest form, means saying, "I let you go so that I can move forward. I release this moment so that I can heal." It is something you do for YOURSELF, not for someone else.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Happy Thoughts

Our thoughts are powerful things! As human beings, we have been led to believe that our thoughts aren't really anything - that they have little or now power at all. This card comes to you as a message from your angels letting you know that this is completely untrue!!

The angels say, "Dear One, your thoughts are the very fabric of the world! Your entire reality is created by the words you choose to think, write, and speak. Your words - and your thoughts - are infinitely powerful!"

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Water

Water is of vital importance to our health and well-being. Every activity we engage in requires water for fuel. Even meditation - sitting and thinking or visualizing - causes our bodies to lose water!

This card is a message from your guardian angels asking you to explore the healing power of water in all its forms. They ask you to drink more water, eat more high water content foods, and find ways to connect with the element of water.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Decide

This card comes as an affirmation that you are reaching a crossroads in your life and may find yourself feeling a little lost or confused. The angels say, "It's okay not to have all the answers all the time, but that doesn't mean you can just sit on the sidelines and do nothing."

Now is the time to make a choice about which way you want to go in your life. If you are unsure of what you want to do right now, it may be a good idea to spend some serious time talking with your guides and angels about how you're feeling. It may be helpful to keep a journal so that you can explore your options and your thoughts and feelings. It may also be a good idea to write down any repeated thoughts, signs, symbols, or impressions you receive as these are often guidance communicated to you by your angels, your guides, and your higher self.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Simplicity

Let's face the facts. We live in a very complicated world. We are constantly bombarded with every kind of media - magazines, newspapers, television, internet, cell phones, and more! The amount of information that we must navigate in a given day is simply mind boggling. And the overwhelm doesn't end there! Most of us are overworked, overscheduled, overtasked, and running on empty.

This card is a message from the Unicorns and your Guardian Angels asking you to find ways to simplify your life.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekly Forecast Round-Up ~ March 23rd to 29th

Welcome to the Weekly Forecast Roundup! Every week I will be scouring the internet searching for the very best weekly forecasts to share with you! This week, I have beautiful forecasts from Colette Baron-Reid, Doreen Virtue, and The Angel School!

Without further ado, let's get going!

Spring has sprung, and time to get your RISK on! Yes that's right, risk something and watch the rewards roll in. Aries is hear to help you get the energy to move forward.

Daily Guidance ~ Family Culture

Each of us chose to come to Earth. We chose the time. We chose the place. We even chose our family. This card is an invitation from the Unicorns and your guardian angels asking you to explore your family history, your heritage and culture.

How much do you really know about your family's history and your own heritage? Do you know any of the stories and myths of your ancestors? Have you connected with your grandparents or other elders to learn about your family history? Or was your family one that didn't really place a lot of value on these things?

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Let Go of Stress!

This card is a message from your guardian angels asking you to release any stress you might be carrying right now. This could negative stress, like worries about your job or finances, but it could also be positive stress like the stress of planning a wedding or getting ready for a graduation. This stress doesn't even have to be YOUR stress! So many of us carry the stresses and worries of others in our lives because we love and care for those people, so we allow their worries to become our worries.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Finish What You've Started

When we begin new things, we are always filled with enthusiasm and passion. This card is a message from your angels reminding you that it is important to finish what you start, even when the enthusiasm fades and we feel ourselves drawn to other new ventures.

If there is some project you've begun but not finished, the angels say that it's high time to go back and do a little housecleaning. The first thing that comes to mind is where you need to spend your time right now. It could be cleaning out the garage, finishing redecorating that spare room, finishing a class or degree, or just sticking with your current project until the end. If in doubt, ask your angels and they will let you know!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ One Step at a Time

Sometimes reaching our dreams and goals can seem like an impossible task. We look at where we are and at where we want to go and it seems like a journey of a million miles, something that we could never accomplish in this lifetime. This kind of thinking often leads people to give up on their dreams before they even try.

The angels say, "The key to success is not to look at the end, but to look at where you are. Tiny steps taken every day will move you closer and closer. In time, you will be able to accomplish what seems impossible to you today. Eventually, you will look up and realize that you are already where you wanted to go!"

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ You Are Gifted

As human beings, it's normal to worry and to doubt ourselves, to wonder if we really have talent or if we're "good enough" to do the things that we really want to do.

This card comes to you as a message from your guardian angels affirming that you ARE good enough! You are smart and funny and talented and highly gifted! The angels say, "Dear One, please stop trying to compare yourself to other people. Your gifts are no less valuable than anyone else's. They are unique to you, and they are very much in need right now!"

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Imagine

This card is a reminder sent from the Unicorns asking you to indulge your imagination. Spend time daydreaming. Dream about the future you'd like to have. Dream about stories you'd like to tell. Dream about vacations you'd like to take. Dream about being part of your favorite childhood story. Whatever give you pleasure, spend some time dreaming about it.

The angels tell me that when you allow yourself to daydream, you lift your vibration to a higher level. Scientifically, when you are daydreaming, you alter your brain waves and move from Alpha (conscious thought) to Theta (deep relaxation). Many of us only experience this state of being when we are drifting off to sleep or just waking up, in that twilight place between waking and being asleep.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Curiosity

Are you curious? Do you wonder about things? Are there classes you've always wanted to take but haven't for some reason? Is there something you've always wanted to know, discover, or explore?

The angels tell me that our curiosity was given to us as a guide, pointing us in the direction of our Divine life mission. They say, "Pay close attention to those things that you are curious about, that grab your attention or that you are passionate about learning more about. These things are related to your Divine Life Purpose and are very important!"

Monday, March 16, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Everything's Okay

It's human nature to worry. Everyone does it. Even the most enlightened among us give in to fear and worry from time to time.

This card is a gentle message from your guardian angels asking you to release all fears and worries to them, to ask them for their assistance and guidance. They say, "Anytime you encounter a situation that makes you feel fearful, ask us to clear you of these negative emotions. Instead of focusing on worst case scenarios and doomsday fearmongers, pray for peace, healing, enlightenment and positive change. Whenever a heartfelt prayer is sent to us, all of Heaven is moved on your behalf. Never forget that you are a Divine Child of the Creator and that you are infinitely powerful!"

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Grandparent

Today's card comes to us as a message from our guardian angels asking us to reconnect with a special grandparent. The angel say, "Your elders are some of your greatest allies and teachers in life. They have been through so many life experiences, many of them the same as your own, and they are happy and willing to help you through life's difficulties and challenges!"

This card may also be a gentle nudge from your angels asking you to heal a damaged relationship with an elder or grandparent, or even to forgive them and let them go so that you can move forward in peace and finally begin the process of healing.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Daily Guidance~ Happy Surprise

With this card, your guardian angels, guides on the other side, and the unicorns are asking you to keep your eyes open and your senses open because there are miracles going on all around you.

The angels say that this card is confirmation that the work you have been doing to manifest and co-create your future are paying off. All of Heaven is at work behind the scenes preparing the way for you. Trust that everything is working out exactly the way it is supposed to right now. Have faith and continue the good work.

Believe that good things are about to happen to you, because they are!!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Creative

Our creativity is the expression of our soul. It feeds your Spirit and allows you to connect to the Divine Spirit of Creation, to your very creator. When you allow yourself to enter the space of creation, you open the channel for Spirit to speak to you and may be more able to hear the voices of your guides and guardian angels.

This card is a gentle reminder from the Unicorns to allow yourself to spend time indulging in any act of creation you enjoy. This could be writing, painting, drawing, dancing, or even just daydreaming. Don't view this as a waste of your time or as being selfish.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ You'll Know in the Morning

Sometimes the best thing you can do to solve a problem or resolve a stressful situation is sleep on it. Really! The fairies say, "What good does staying up worrying, fretting, crying, raging or obsessing about your problem do? None!"

With this card, your guardian angels are asking you to put aside your worries and fears for a while, to relax and allow Heaven and the Universe to help you. They say, "When you get wrapped up in worrying, focusing only on the negative, you block our ability to help you."

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Hello and Goodbye

This card comes as a gentle nudge from the Unicorns reminding you that in order to move forward in life, it is sometimes necessary to let things go. They say, "It is only natural to want to hold on to the past. It may seem that things were better than, or that it was less stressful or less frightening to stay where you were. But, the nature of life is change and movement. Just try to relax and go with the flow right now. This change is for the best, even if it feels overwhelming, frightening, or even painful right now."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ It's Okay to Be Different

As humans, we are social herd animals. In our ancient past, sticking together meant a much greater chance of survival than going it alone. And, in order to be a part of the group you had to fully integrate into your group - you had to be completely trusted and accepted by your peers or you literally risked your own death.

Even though millions of years have passed since the days when not being accepted could mean our literal demise, we are still driven by this need to fit in, to be liked and accepted by our peers. One of our greatest challenges in life is learning to overcome the fear of rejection in order to become our true, authentic selves - a luxury our ancient ancestors rarely had.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Grandparent

Today's card comes to us as a message from our guardian angels asking us to reconnect with a special grandparent. The angel say, "Your elders are some of your greatest allies and teachers in life. They have been through so many life experiences, many of them the same as your own, and they are happy and willing to help you through life's difficulties and challenges!"

This card may also be a gentle nudge from your angels asking you to heal a damaged relationship with an elder or grandparent, or even to forgive them and let them go so that you can move forward in peace and finally begin the process of healing.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Curiosity

Are you curious? Do you wonder about things? Are there classes you've always wanted to take but haven't for some reason? Is there something you've always wanted to know, discover, or explore?

The angels tell me that our curiosity was given to us as a guide, pointing us in the direction of our Divine life mission. They say, "Pay close attention to those things that you are curious about, that grab your attention or that you are passionate about learning more about. These things are related to your Divine Life Purpose and are very important!"

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Wish Upon a Star

When was the last time you made a wish and believed it would come true? When was the last time you really BELIEVED that good things were about to happen in your life?

It is human nature to be pessimistic, to expect the worst out of every situation. It is easy for us to be negative because when we entered the physical realm we were given an Ego. The purpose of the Ego is to protect us, to make sure that our needs are met and that we are doing what we need to do to survive in what can be a very dangerous world.

But, the Ego is the exact opposite of Spirit. Instead of being rooted in love and compassion, the Ego is rooted in fear and competition. Instead of believing in infinite abundance, the Ego believes in lack and scarcity. This leads us to be naturally fearful beings. Because of our Ego, most of us tend to view the world as a giant game of "Us vs. Them."

Friday, March 6, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Finish What You Start

When we begin new things, we are always filled with enthusiasm and passion. This card is a message from your angels reminding you that it is important to finish what you start, even when the enthusiasm fades and we feel ourselves drawn to other new ventures.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Forgive

The angels tell me that forgiveness is the key to living a happy, fulfilled life. They say, "Refusing to forgive holds you in the past as though you are forever reliving that one painful moment (or many painful moments) over and over again. You cannot move forward into your future because you are chained to this event and these negative feelings. It is like carrying around a lead weight with you wherever you go, weighing you down and holding you hostage."

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Very Soon

What you're asking for will happen soon in a happy way.

This card is a reminder from the Unicorns and your Guardian Angels that the moment you send a prayer to Heaven, the entire Universe responds. With every word you say, think or write, you are sending out energetic ripples which set things in motion to bring you what you desire. This is why it is so very important to talk and think about what you WANT rather than what you DON'T want as much as possible!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Best Friends

True friends stick together, no matter what.

Today's card asks you to examine the quality of loyalty in your life. Do you have loyal friends you can depend on? Are YOU a loyal friend? Most of all, are you a loyal friend to YOURSELF?

The angels ask you to take inventory of the people in your life right now. Are they people you can depend on when things get rough? Or are they "fair weather friends" who only want to be around when things are going well for you? Or worse - are they only around when they need something from you?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Share

When you share, everyone feels happy.

As Lightworkers, many of us have had negative experiences in our past that has led us to hold back, to hide our spiritual gifts and our true selves from others. This could be because we have been teased or made fun of, been called "weird" or other hurtful names, been told that our gifts are evil or that they come from "the Devil," that no one will like us if we allow ourselves to be our true selves, that we will never be successful, will never have friends, will never find a romantic partner, or will never be able to get a good job, and so on.

The angels tell me that these unkind words were the product of Ego, which is based entirely on fear. People naturally fear what they don't understand. Human beings are basically herd animals and have been programmed to avoid anything that doesn't fit their view of what the world "should" be. In ancient times, being different could literally lead to death if an individual could not fit in with the group.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Angel of the Month - Archangel Sandalphon

Photo Credit: Primalpainter
Lightworker Energy Art & Chakra Jewelry
Sandalphon is only one of two archangels whose name doesn't end with an "el" (which means "God" in Hebrew). Sandalphon's name means "brother" in Greek, a reference to his twin brother, the Archangel Metatron. The twins are the only archangels in Heaven who were originally mortal men. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah, and Metatron was the wise man Enoch. God gave both men their immortal assignments as archangels to reward them for their good work on Earth, allowing them to continue their sacred service from Heaven. Elijah's ascension occurred when he was lifted up to Heaven in a fiery chariot pulled by two horses of fire, accompanied by a whirlwind, an event recorded in the second chapter of the Book of 2 Kings.

In the Tree of Life, Archangel Sandalphon is the 10th Sephirah, representing Malkut (Shekinah),  God's Presence in the World.

When we talk about Archangel Sandalphon, we think of clear water with a refreshing aqua - turquoise color, an invigorating breeze offering inner peace. When you are nervous or tense just imagine this cooling turquoise breeze surrounding you and giving you inner peace. Call on Sandalphon as often as you can in times of stress and confusion.

Angel Messages ~ March 2015

Hello and welcome to my first post of 2015!! After several months off to take care of personal and family issues, I'm thrilled to be back sharing this month's Angel Messages with all of you!

I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this forecast and messages as much as I enjoyed putting it all together for you!

Click for YOUR angel message!

Daily Guidance ~ Pets

You love and understand animals.

Hello and welcome to our first Card of the Day post for the month of March! I'm so excited to be working with this deck!

Our first card comes to us as a message from our guardian angels asking us to connect more closely with the animals in our lives. They tell me, "Animals, even your own household pets, can be profound and powerful healers." It is well documented that the act of petting a cat or a dog can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and help us feel calmer and more loved. Terminally ill patients who have animals in their homes live longer and report experiencing lower rates of depression than those whose animals are removed or who don't own pets. And therapeutic services from wolf petting to sound healing using the songs of whales abound!