Friday, May 29, 2015

Angel Messages ~ June 2015

Hello and welcome to another month of Angel Messages and guidance!! This is an awesome month here in the States! Warmer weather, outdoor barbecues, celebrating Father's Day and the Summer Solstice, and much more. I hope things are beautiful wherever you are out there!

Gemini - 

Your new practice of affirmations and visualization is having beneficial effects on your career and finances. This current change is the catalyst bringing your abundance to you. Stay positive and optimistic, and know that all is well.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weekly Forecast Roundup - May 25 to 31

Welcome to the Weekly Forecast Roundup! Every week I will be scouring the internet searching for the very best weekly forecasts to share with you! This week, I have beautiful forecasts from Angel Souls, Suzanne Bean, Tarot Readings by Kate, and Doreen Virtue!

Angel Souls is using the Magdaline Oracle in this weekly reading.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Crystal-Clear Intentions

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Change is the only thing that's constant. Trust in this truth and don't fear the changes you're experiencing right now. As one door closes, another opens for the better.

Stay positive about your life purpose and put all your focus on being of service, utilizing your natural talents, passions and interests. You are qualified, ready and able to help others. Doors are opening for you, just keep the faith!


Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Michael, who says, "Be clear about what you desire and focus upon it with unwavering faith."

Monday, May 18, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Hello from Heaven

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Looking at yourself in a more positive way allows you to you realize that it's okay for you to receive true abundance.

Your life is changing for the better. Call on Heaven for help if you need it!


Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Azrael, who says, "Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries and feel their loving blessings."

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Weekly Forecast Roundup - May 18 to 24

Welcome to the Weekly Forecast Roundup! Every week I will be scouring the internet searching for the very best weekly forecasts to share with you! This week, I have beautiful forecasts from Doreen Virtue, AngelLight8, Tarot Readings by Kate, and Colette Baron-Reid!

Your week will go well if you'll hold the intention to keep it simple, detach from drama, remain flexible about situations that come up, and have a sense of humor.

As Monday and Mercury Retrograde begin, it's a good idea to stay home or retreat into nature if possible. If you can't stay home, then do your best to connect with nature and avoid stressful situations. Rest and take it easy, and be extra careful when communicating with others to avoid misunderstandings.

Then as the week progresses, it's essential for you to take charge of your schedule, your energy levels, and be your own leader. Don't allow anyone to push you into anything you don't feel good about.

The weekend is a good time to take an inventory of what's working and not working in your life, and contemplate any changes you'd like to make.

This week Doreen is working with the Guardian Angel Tarot Cards.

Daily Guidance ~ Teaching and Learning

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Keep going with your renewed positive outlook and affirmations as this is making a healthy difference in your life, and the positive changes you're making have put you on the right path. Keep up the good work!


Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Zadkiel, who says, "Keep an open mind, and learn new ideas. Then, teach those ideas to others."

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Life Review

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Keep your thoughts focused on a positive outcome during this time of change. Even though you may not be entirely sure what your future holds, you can be sure that things are improving. Stay positive about your intentions and goals.

The ascended masters are helping you in earthly matters and the daily aspects of your life. Ask them for help and then be open to receiving the assistance that they provide in the form of ideas, guidance, and unexpected gifts.


Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Jeremiel, who says, "Take inventory of your life and resolve to change or heal anything that is unbalanced."

Friday, May 15, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Counselor

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
You have the power to change your life in amazing ways simply by changing your thoughts and beliefs. Now more than ever it's important only to focus upon what you desire and not what you fear.

Have faith and courage! Your prayers are manifesting even if they aren't visible yet.

Everything is fine and will continue to be so. Keep believing, especially since your feelings of hope lead to more positive outcomes. The angels can buoy your faith if you ask them for help!


Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Azrael, who says, "You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance."

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Healthy Lifestyle

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
The angels are with you, helping you stay centered and peaceful during this time of change. Rest assured that your life is transforming in a beautiful way.

Give any questions or concerns to your guardian angels and they will help you feel more clear and confident about your next steps.


Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Raphael, who says, "Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep, and exercise regularly for optimal health."

Monday, May 11, 2015

Weekly Forecast Round-Up - May 11 to 17

Welcome to the Weekly Forecast Roundup! Every week I will be scouring the internet searching for the very best weekly forecasts to share with you! This week, I have beautiful forecasts from Colette Baron-Reid, Doreen Virtue, Legacy of the Divine Tarot, and Miracles Within Us!

If you get down this week, dig in and get industrious and don't sabotage your efforts, fortune will smile on you.

This week, Colette is working with the Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Peace

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Chamuel, who says, "Peace comes from remembering that only love is real."

It's easy to believe that the world is a hostile, dangerous place. Our Ego survives in a world built entirley on fear and competition. It believes that there is never enough of anything - not love, not money, not opportunities, not ANYTHING! - so we must compete as hard as we can against everyone else. It distrusts the world around it. It fears other people and feels like it is a victim of God and the Universe.

This card is an invitation to move from the world of Ego to the world of Spirit. Where Ego lives in a world of fear, Spirit lives in a world of love and compassion. Where Ego feels separated from the world and everyone in it, Spirit knows that we are all connected to one another and that there is a whole vast Universe out there that we are connected to, too! Where Ego feels that there is never enough, Spirit knows that the world is infinitely abundant.

Just for today, instead of looking at the world through a lens of fear, look at the world through a lens of love. Allow your Spirit to be your guide!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Beloved One

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Chamuel, who says, "I am helping you with your spiritual soulmate relationship."

One of the hardest things about being a Lightworker or Earth Angel is feeling disconnected from others. From the moment we set foot here on Earth we feel that we are different from others. It may be hard for us to make close friends or find people who share our beliefs and accept us for who we are. We may even be bullied or ostracized by others as children or even as adults. This card is an affirmation from your guardian angels and Archangel Chamuel, the angel of finding what you need, acknowledging that you are on what may sometimes be a very lonely path. They say to me, "All you need to do is be your true self. Go out and live your life with as much joy and passion as you can. We are finding the right people for you - friends, romantic partners, business partners and more! Just be who you are and trust us to bring the right people to you!"

Friday, May 8, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Claircognizance

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Uriel, who says, "Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you as they are answered prayers."

Divine guidance can be very subtle. One of the best ways to start recognizing guidance from God, your angels, or your guides on the other side is to start keeping an "Intuition Journal." Write down EVERY bit of Divine guidance you feel you have received, every intuitive impression, every flash of insight. Everything! This will do two things for you - 1) it will focus your mind and allow you to pick up on the subtle cues all around you every day, and 2) it will allow you to look back on the guidance you feel you have received and your own intuitive flashes of insight to see just how RIGHT you really are!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Remember Who You Are

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Michael, who says, "You are a powerful, loving, and creative child of God. You are very loved."

Today is a day to reclaim your personal power and to remember your true worth. You are a Divine child of the Creator. You are powerful beyond measure. You are infinitely creative and abundant, completely loved and cared for. You are surrounded and supported by angels, ascended masters, spirit guides, and loved ones on the other side.

"If we believe we can't lose, even mountains will move!" -- Skillet, "Battle Cry"

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Weekly Forecast Round-Up - May 4 to 10

Welcome to the Weekly Forecast Roundup! Every week I will be scouring the internet searching for the very best weekly forecasts to share with you! This week, I have beautiful forecasts from Doreen Virtue, Colette Baron-Reid, and Angel Hearts 444!

Here we go again with another powerful and intense week, but this time, you're going with the flow . . . and harnessing the energies for your highest and best good.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Passion

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Haniel, who says, "Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career."

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. If you want to attract success, love, passion, romance, opportunities, and positive experiences it is vital that you reflect these values within yourself. The best way to do that is to follow your passion. What lights you up? What would you do, even if you had to do it for free, just because you love it so much? What makes your heart sing? Invest your time and energy into doing those things that bring you the greatest joy and you will soon find that those things you are seeking will find you!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Daily Guidance ~ Divine Order

Archangel Oracle Cards
by Doreen Virtue
Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Raguel, who says, "Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion and see underlying order."

This card is a reassurance from the angels that all things are happening exactly as they were planned. The angels are hard at work on the other side arranging everything perfectly for you. Try to be as optimistic as you possibly can right now and know that you are safe and taken care of.