Today's angel message comes to us from Archangel Chamuel, who says, "Peace comes from remembering that only love is real."
It's easy to believe that the world is a hostile, dangerous place. Our Ego survives in a world built entirley on fear and competition. It believes that there is never enough of anything - not love, not money, not opportunities, not ANYTHING! - so we must compete as hard as we can against everyone else. It distrusts the world around it. It fears other people and feels like it is a victim of God and the Universe.
This card is an invitation to move from the world of Ego to the world of Spirit. Where Ego lives in a world of fear, Spirit lives in a world of love and compassion. Where Ego feels separated from the world and everyone in it, Spirit knows that we are all connected to one another and that there is a whole vast Universe out there that we are connected to, too! Where Ego feels that there is never enough, Spirit knows that the world is infinitely abundant.
Just for today, instead of looking at the world through a lens of fear, look at the world through a lens of love. Allow your Spirit to be your guide!