Sunday, September 21, 2014

Weekly Forecast ~ September 22 to 28

Hello and welcome to the final week of September! This month I've been working with the "Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards" by Colette Baron-Reid.

This week we will once again be connecting closely to our angels and receiving Divine guidance. We will also be reminded that sometimes change is uncomfortable, even frightening, but we can take comfort in knowing that we already have the tools, the experience, and the ability to move forward and live our dreams.

Click below for the full forecast!


For the second week in a row we are joined by the Eagle of Avalon. This week he continues his message and advice concerning connecting to our Angels and asking them for assistance. He says, "You have a whole team of supporters on the other side. You are a Divine child of God and a powerful being of Light. You are surrounded by Guardian Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and all the Guides you could ever imagine - and more!" He tells me that for some of us, it is easier to begin working with our guides and angels if we can put a face or a name to them. In order to do that, he says to ask your guides and angels to show themselves to you and to give you their names. As you receive this information, keep a journal and write it down! He says, "To you humans, writing it makes it real. Keeping a journal of your impressions and experiences will help make your guides more real and personal to you."

As we enter the middle of the week, we are joined by The Merlin - the High Priest and the Master of Magic in Avalon. He says, "As you embrace your Divine life mission as a Lightworker, it is easy to feel that you are not ready - to believe that you need to take more classes, or that you need to work with more masters, or that you need to be more prepared or have more experience before you begin really working. I am here to tell you that you already have all the experience you need. You have taken the test and passed with flying colors. You are more ready than you realize! Do not waste your time here on Earth feeling as though you must remain an eternal student. Realize that You are the master and that we are all here to learn from you now!"

The week ends with the Disruption journey marker. The angels tell me, "All change is disruptive. It can be uncomfortable, even frightening. Think of the Butterfly in his cocoon. It must feel so safe and warm there, so peaceful to simply rest and 'be' in that place. Now, imagine how frightening, uncomfortable, and even painful it must be to burst forth from the cocoon! But, outside the Butterfly will become the most amazing, beautiful creature! The same thing is happening to you, Dear One. It may be difficult right now. You are growing and changing, becoming a new creation. Just know that we are with you, supporting you and guiding you every step of the way. Call on us if things seem too hard and we will be with you instantly."

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